CRC .NET control is the checksum library
for .NET developers. |
SmartVBA - Useful development tools for VBA
programmers |
3D Box Maker Professional is a
system to help you create virtual packaging (3d Box Shots) for your website. |
WinFax DDE
Development Kit for Visual Basic - Why waste hours of development time
implementing DDE with WinFax PRO? Included are all of the DDE functions
available with WinFax and TalkWorks in one package. Includes source code
with all DDE functionality written in Visual Basic. |
SkinEngine is a library of components which
allows to change visual appearance and behavior of your application with use
of the powerful skinning engine and a set of 2000+ ready skins. SkinEngine
allow easy skinning your C++, Delphi, VB and .NET application. |
Batch File Compiler
Professional Edition - Convert your BATch files into EXEcutable format
(bat to exe). |
ESF Database Convert allows you to
easily convert between various database formats. It can directly connect to
MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Access, Excel, Paradox, Lotus, dBase, Text
and other formats, and convert between these formats (SQL Server to MySQL,
MySQL to Access etc.). |
RS232 Monitor is software for communication
with peripheral devices using RS-232 interface. |
Java Calendar Component is a java
calendar component ready to use in Swing applications. |
RegexBuddy is your perfect companion for
working with regular expressions. Easily create regular expressions that
match exactly what you want. Clearly understand complex regexes written by
others. Use plain English building blocks instead of or in addition to the
standard regex syntax. |
UltraEdit-32 is Powerful Text, HEX, HTML, PHP
and Programmer's Editor. Suitable for general text editing, programmer's,
web designers, binary editing, email, and all your editing needs. |