Desktop Enhancements



Main > Desktop Enhancements

Barcode Wizard - make your on bar codes and export them to other windows applications.
Vital Desktop Video allows you to place a movie on your desktop underneath the icons.
ZoneTick World Time Zone Clock is a download for Windows that replaces the regular system clock with several time zones of your choosing.
Aqua 3D Screensaver - This incredible saver shows you a stormy ocean surface with swirls over it, complete with sunset sky and lightnings. The
SeaStorm 3D Screensaver - This incredible saver shows you a stormy ocean surface with swirls over it, complete with sunset sky and lightnings.
Easy ScreenSaver Studio - create ScreenSaver step by step with the wizard, add image, Flash or acquire images to be included from your digital camera or scanner, edit images, set transitions, add labels and more.
Rainy Screen Saver -Very realistic rain screensaver that will impress your friends and co-workers. Complex lighting and optic models were used to produce the look and feel of the rain flowing down the window glass.
3D Alien Clock screensaver - Produce the time of the highest quality!
3D Alien Plasma Tunnels ScreenSaver - Tune in your PC to live Alien broadcasts
3D Lovely Pond ScreenSaver - Eye-pleasing 3D dreamy journey
AD Silent Lagoon - Animated Desktop Wallpaper
Mouse Magic adds trails that move with your mouse all the time! Purchase Mouse Magic now and get the software, plus over 500 tails for your mouse instantly!
Win32 Font Lister is a fully-featured font listing and reporting tool. It will generate multi-line samples of all your fonts - whether installed or uninstalled.
Chameleon Icon - easiest way to create icon using any picture.
IndieVolume offers per-application volume and other audio settings.
Actual Transparent Windows lets you apply transparency effect to any window in Windows 2000/XP.
Twinkle Bulbs - Flashing holiday lights for your desktop.
Clip Arts Extended Pack - Buy 75 art works for your desktop! Exciting clip art images for your desktop to vary your mood and emotions! A look and feel of the original MoodBook's set of abstract clip art.

Most Popular

AD Silent Lagoon
Easy ScreenSaver Studio
3D Alien Plasma Tunnels ScreenSaver
SeaStorm 3D Screensaver
Rainy Screen Saver





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